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Snowflake Startup Demo Day | Virtual
📆 July 25, 2023, at 10:00 AM Pacific Time (20:00 Moscow Time)

Disruptive startups powered by Snowflake will showcase cutting-edge products to top Venture Capitalists. Get a glimpse of the reinvention of application categories driven by AI, data-intensive applications, and the latest venture capital trends.
Forwarded from 🦄 Startup News (Kate Erina)
60% стартапов летнего батча Y Combinator - это AI-продукты

YC остаются верными себе - в этом батче помимо ИИ, много B2B-компаний и стартапов из Сан-Франциско. Многие до сих пор используют позиционирование «_______ для X»:
• Zillow для X
• ChatGTP для X
• TikTok для X
• Palantir для X

Что еще интересно:
- 15 компаний находятся в Stealth-режиме
- 50% команд работают удаленно
- AI-продукты увеличили долю с 32% в зимнем батче до 60%

Несколько хайлайтов про отобранных основателей (на основе анализа бэкграунда 384 фаундеров):
- 8 с опытом экзитов
- 76 раньше работали в FAANG
- 200 серийных фаундеров
- 265 технических фаундеров
- 133 фаундера закончили Top 10 Universities
- 131 фаундеров с Masters Degrees

Тем временем податься в зимний батч можно до 13 октября, но чем раньше подача, тем больше шансов:

Berkeley SkyDeck's Batch 17
📆 Apply until August 24

— Founders looking to take their startup to the next level should seriously consider applying to SkyDeck, one of the world's leading accelerators. SkyDeck offers access to an unparalleled network of industry execs, advisors, and top tier VCs in Silicon Valley. Those selected will receive $200,000 in investment from the Berkeley SkyDeck Fund.

Want to learn more before you apply? — Register HERE for one of our upcoming info sessions.
MusicTech Europe Academy Calling for Applications
📆 Applications are open until October 12th.

Are you a music tech startup, SME, innovator or entrepreneur based in Europe and you want to get support from industry experts and hubs?

MTE Academy is an acceleration programme that fosters a competitive music technology industry. MTE Academy is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of The European Union and it is coordinated by Music Innovation Hub, in partnership with Media Deals, Technoport SA, #MesoEvents (Athens Music Week) and Barcelona Music Tech Hub.

10 selected startup will have access to:
- Hybrid and flexible mentorship program with top level experts in music, technology, finance and entrepreneurship;
- IRL meetups and networking opportunities during industry events;
- Investment pitch session;
- A vibrant community of digital innovators and music professionals.

Applications close EOD, September 18th, 12am BST
📽️ Demo day @ 2pm-4pm on Thursday 12th October

— Focal is the hub for early stage fundraising, accelerating the process and driving better results. ​Successful applicants will be invited to pitch at the remote demo day in front of the world's most esteemed VCs and angels. With one simple application, reach our 180 world-class VCs. If you make it to demo day, pitch to 1,000’s of VCs and angels!

Why attend?
See pitches from the top 1% of pre-seed to Series A startups globally and invest in the very best through Focal’s SPV (min. ticket size of £1k and capital is at risk)!

If you’re raising Pre-seed, Seed, or Series A now, or in the next 6 months, apply now

Immigration Roadmap for Founders /w Fiona McEntee
📆 Wed, September 20, from 7:00 to 8:00 PM (GMT+3)

We'll be joined by Fiona McEntee, the Managing Attorney of McEntee Law Group in Chicago, with fifteen years of experience in immigration law. She is the author of "U.S. Immigration Options for Startups: Accelerate Your American Dream" book (see on Amazon).

Fiona is a proud Irish immigrant, a former international student, and a naturalized U.S. citizen. Regular contributor to national & international media, including MSNBC, & BBC.

She'll delve into topics such as
— extraordinary ability visas and green cards (O-1 or EB-1A)
— immigration pathways for startups, including the new International Entrepreneur Parole
— common questions frequently asked by founders embarking on their immigration journey to the U.S.
— provide insights into the intricacies of the immigration process.

​If you and your cofounders are in the US and are done immigrating, this session will be useful to attend in case you want any of your employees to move to the US too!

⚠️ This is an exclusive, invite-only event tailored for top pre-seed and seed founders, starting with the Geek Ventures portfolio. Non-founders will not be admitted.
Forwarded from 🦄 Startup News (Kate Erina)
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Techstars и Kauffman Fellows снова запускают Venture Deals

Курс основан на одноименной книге Venture Deals, написанной Брэдом Фельдом и Джейсоном Менделсоном, и был создан для устранения огромной пропасти в знаниях о венчурной индустрии.

Рекомендуем записаться, если вы пропустили предыдущие запуски, чтобы получить более четкое понимание, как устроен фандрайзинг и взаимодействие с инвесторами. Курс начинается через пару дней, 28 сентября, и будет недоступен после завершения – до следующего запуска.

Регистрация 👉
In case you are in Bangkok, Thailand, there is 3 active offline community you can come to pitch, meet other founders and learn about local environment.

1. Startup Grind ran by Tobias Endress
2. Our Startup Community ran by Ted Thetnaungaoe
3. Product Tank BKK

There is also events around Web3 and Pizza Pitch by Amazon, but it will be better if you gonna ping me personally so I can stay specific with the request.

Best, Alex K.
TeamLead Meetup
🗓️ Дата: 23 мая, 17:30–20:30
📍 Место: Haos Community Space, Kraljice Natalije 11, Belgrade

Митап для тех кто в Белграде и будет интересен тимлидам, стремящимся улучшить навыки управления и лидерства, а также HR-специалистам, рекрутерам, T&D, project и product managers.

📝 Выступления на английском языке. Расписание:
- 18:00-18:25 - Egor Pozniakov, EPAM: "Strategies for Hiring Rare Specialists"
- 18:30-18:55 - Dmitrii Solomonov, Yandex 360: "Team Lead Pathways for Beginners"
- 19:00-19:25 - Madi Shahur, BEsmart: "What to Do about Team Communication"
- 19:30-19:55 - Ksenia Mezhenina, MMD Smart: "How to Fix Any IT Process"
🤝 Нетворкинг

P.s. Несмотря на то, что событие делает русскоговорящее сообщество, язык события английский.
Forwarded from Tech Jobs & Talents (Alex Kolomiets)
My buddy Kate Erina recently put together this awesome Career Talk for up-and-coming #DevOps engineers and tech geeks looking to make a change or kick-start their careers. She dropped some basic knowledge about the job scene, dished out killer career tips, and broke down the must-have skills for crushing it in this "GPT-powered" world.

The speakers were legit, so, hope it worth sharing. Hit me with a thumbs up if you're feeling its or not, no biggie either way.

AI Grant Batch #4
due on August 9th 2024

Attention, the doors at AI Grant are wide open for the new batch.

Some seriously cool folks are dishing out $250K without a cap, get access to top-notch GPU clusters, and earn endless respect from the AI community.
2024/07/24 19:35:18
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